Grassfed and fully pastured meats from our farm to you!
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Beef Quarter-April 2024

A&B Brush Farms LLC

1 Quarter Beef Deposit | 1 Non-Refundable Deposit = $200.00 + $0.00 Assembly Out of Stock

Purchase a quarter grass fed cow!
A non-refundable $200 deposit is required to reserve your beef quarter. Once we receive your deposit we will contact you with the processing date and cut sheet.
Final price will be based on hanging weight. A quarter will average 125-175 pounds (hanging weight).
Example, a quarter weighing 150 pounds will cost approx $900 (plus processing) Processing averages about $1 per pound. Your meat will be custom cut based on your preferences and needs. Once we have the hanging weight, a final balance will be billed. Full balance is required at or before pick up from the processing facility.

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